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Introduction to Shaktipat

What Is Shaktipat? Watch this video introduction to Shaktipat. Learn more and to get all the details of what is in store for you in our core event, the weekend Shaktipat Blessing Retreat. **After watching this video, if you have questions about Shaktipat and/or our Shaktipat Blessing Retreats, contact us.

Weekend Shaktipat Blessing Retreat – Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing

Introduction to Shaktipat

Everyone wants to be happy, healthy and wise. Indeed, the challenge is people seek these where they are not. This is like searching for water in a desert when you live by an ocean. For example, the restless mind and the attachment to body, mind and senses is overwhelmingly strong for most people. This attachment always brings suffering. In particular, this predicament is due to one’s past and present karmas. You cannot destroy these karmas with worldly methods, no more than you can pull yourself up into the air by your own bootstraps.

This introduction to Shaktipat is being provided as a means to cure this predicament. Shaktipat, the full Kundalini awakening, is the initiation that opens the floodgates of Grace. Grace is necessary to destroy all the karmic obstacles to inner Peace, Joy and the ocean of God’s Love. By Grace, this happens in a way that ends your seeking. In truth, this Grace comes from a master. Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing has proved to be the spark that ignites permanent spiritual transformation, peace and joy in every area of life.

All, those who receive Kedarji’s Shaktipat Blessing are able to easily attain higher and higher states of lasting spiritual awareness. At the same time, they improve their daily mundane lives for overall well-being.


Introduction to Shaktipat
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