About Shaktipat
About Shaktipat. Recently, some students of Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga who follow the instruction offered by Kedarji got together to offer their experiences of what Shaktipat (full Kundalini Awakening) is. In this video, they share why Shaktipat is the easy and most effective means to permanent spiritual transformation. Shaktipat is the beginning, the middle and the end for permanent spiritual transformation. This kundalini awakening is essential for those who want to experience the indescribable Joy of the Self on a regular basis. Shaktipat initiation is the gateway to true meditation that calms and quiets the restless mind.
Come and experience it for yourself. Your transformation awaits you. To participate in Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga you do not need to leave your church, mosque or other form of worship. We look forward to welcoming you very soon! We encourage you to follow the link below to view more information about our Shaktipat Blessing Retreats led by Kedarji.
More About Our Upcoming,
Weekend Shaktipat Blessing Retreats
Timeline of questions, in case you want to skip around.
00:00:00 – What is your experience of Shaktipat?
2:24:15 – There are so many approaches out there, so why did you choose to receive Shaktipat?
6:10:12 – Is Shaktipat received only for the purpose of healing or the fulfillment of worldly desires?
7:51:01 – Shaktipat is the transmission of the Grace-bestowing power of God. In your experience, how does this Grace, connected to Karmas, make authentic Shaktipat the difference that makes the difference?
14:30:10 – How has the receipt of Shaktipat benefitted your spiritual journey and daily life?
20:55 – Can you each offer one experience of what took place when you received Shaktipat from Kedarji?