Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga
Wisdom and Practices
For those who understand that self-effort and a degree of discipline is required to attain anything worth attaining in life, ours is the easy means to removing the veil that conceals your true nature from yourself. Sadguru Kedarji’s unique approach to Yoga Science includes the instruction and practices of Nityananda Shaktipat Yoga, chanting, contemplation and selfless service that are instructed by Sadguru Kedarji.
In no time at all, we can be rejuvenated. We can take our spiritual practice to new heights by rekindling our longing and enthusiasm for putting forth the effort to grow, flourish and love whole-heartedly. By imbibing the subtle truths, we can be inspired to rise. All of this can happen simply by regularly keeping the company of other devoted seekers and Kedarji’s skillful presence as a spiritual adept, catalyst and spiritual leader.
The instruction in our Yoga Science is taken, primarily, from the ancient and very effective oral tradition of the Self-realized Love Beings in our Shakta lineage, some of whom were married with children, and others who were monks. This instruction and these understandings have been enhanced by Sadguru Kedarji, by way of his direct instruction, to include healing modalities that he himself has experienced and proved effective. Also integrated into our approach are very powerful centering techniques and approaches to communication that allow us to embrace the true Heart.
These instructions and practices are revealed through a growing relationship with Sadguru Kedarji and our spiritual community.