God’s Hand Is In Everything
God's Hand Is In Everything. The Blessing of the Coronavirus Crisis
VIEW NOWGod's Hand Is In Everything. The Blessing of the Coronavirus Crisis
VIEW NOWLove Our Planet. Love Our Well-Being. Protect Our Health. Prayer for a Just, Free and Vibrant World in the Coronavirus Era.
VIEW NOWFear Incapacitates Clear Thinking and Inner Inspiration.
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Week of 1/6/20. Faith, Courage, Enthusiasm and Excellence Will Cause Abundance & Prosperity To Come Looking For You.
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Week of 12/16/19. Our founder, Sadguru Kedarji, shares how you can attain permanent spiritual transformation that you can be overjoyed about.
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Week of 12/2/19. Our founder, Sadguru Kedarji, answers the question Why not Joy!?
VIEW NOWWhat Is A Spiritual Guru and Who Can Be One?
You find one by seeking out a spiritual master who has served another spiritual guru over a period of many years. Find a spiritual guru whose spiritual attainment has been thoroughly tested by another….
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Week of 11/11/19. Our founder, Sadguru Kedarji, continues to share how his journey to the Supreme Self unfolded. Installment 7.
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Week of 11/4/19. Our founder, Sadguru Kedarji, continues to share how his journey to the Supreme Self unfolded. Installment 6.